Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Reproduction > biting


18 13:31:52

My American Bulldog bites my teenagers hands when they fight. He will also bite their hands if I yell at them for something. He is 16 months old and sweet other than the biting which has happened 5 times.


Hi Jane

Why are they fighting?  

Wrestling, tug-o-war, fighting and any kind of horseplay is a sign of dominance.  Your AB has learned that the teenagers are his pack members and similar to siblings, and as he matures,  needs to get a leg up in the pack structure.

Stop all fighting immediately. Because the next step will be worse. There are more productive ways of playing, throwing a ball or freezbie.

When he bites, have them drop him immediately and shout NO! Even if it requires them to pin him down and roll him over.   Then place him immediately into a crate. Similar to a "time out".  Have them but him on a lead and start some basic obedience with him. Every single day. No playing until he does a routine of sit, stay and come.  Reaffirm that biting, or any aggression is never tolerated.  

Unfortunately this problem is one you've created yourself and the dog, being a pack animal, has be taught and now believes this is acceptable behavior.