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Puppies with diarrhea

18 13:32:50

My dog had puppies last September the 6th, they have been growing great, now one of them had diarrhea and died on Oct 24th in the morning. A second one died during the night. I have other 7 of them, What can I do to stop that?

Hi Amy

There are a number of reasons for diarrhea and death in pups but parasites are the most common.  You could have something that is being passed from Mother to pups.  

Coccidia or Giardia are the two that immediately come to mind.  Coccidia is the invasion and destruction of the intestinal tissue and Giardia is a long term intestinal protozal infection.  Both are transferred through the feces.

I can't stress the importance of sanitation and you want to ensure that the parasite is eliminated out of your grounds and your kennel because your pups/dogs will continue to be reinfected and when you sell a pup with it, they will carry it to their new homes, infecting dogs as they go.

Get the pups on antibiotics immediately and make sure the dam is on a dose! And if you haven't dewormed them, do that too.  Then Bleach and/or lime your kennels.

Good luck