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Puppies born with cleph pallet

18 13:43:23

QUESTION: We have one puppy that was born with a cleph pallet.  We didn't notice it until just today.  They where born Sunday morning at about 230am.  We have 8 total boxer pups.  All the rest are gaining weight and this one is not.  He is staying the same.  I've been bottle feeding but had to change my the way I do it.  It is just a split down the middle of the roof of his mouth.  from his gum line to the back of the roof.  I'm really not sure what to do for him.  I just know I have to keep feeding him every two hours.  Is there anything else I should be worry about.  While this heal on its own.  Please let me know.

ANSWER: Hi Tracy. Sadly, I don't bring you any good news. The best thing that you can do for that puppy is to have him put to sleep. There is a chance that a vet may be able to do something with it when he gets older, but it's doubtful. Take him to the vet and see what he thinks about it. He will be much more likely to asperiate milk, and maybe get pnemonia from it. He won't thrive like the others. In most cases, the most humane thing to do for puppies like this is to put them to sleep. And more bad news....this tends to run in families, especially in Boxers. I would seriously consider not breeding these dogs again. The remaining puppies may now be carriers for it, and keep passing it on to future puppies. I'm sorry that I didn't have better news for you!

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hi there, thank you so much, we are bring him tonight, it is a very hard thing. It breaks my heart, but your right I don't want anyone else to have to share this pain. This is our Fourth litter and never had any other problems.  But we did have our female while she was having her C-section fixed.  The C-Section was not planned.  So we really new it was time to let her be the wonderful pet she is and not go through any more litters.  She's a great mother.  Thank you so much for being so kind. Have happy holidays.

Hi again. I'm sorry that you guys have to do this. It's the hardest thing, to end a life before it gets a chance to start. But you have to know that you're saving this puppy from a lot of pain and suffering. I was doing some more reading on this, and now some people think that there may be more contributing factors that causes this besides genetics. Most still believe it's inherited. I'm glad that your girl is ok, and I'm sure she will be well loved. :-) I'm sorry you had to go through this, it can be very painfull to a new person to breeding. It's still hard for the more experienced breeders as well. I wish you the best of luck with the puppies. Get ready for when they get a bit older! lol I call them a small distruction crew on four legs. I hope you had a great Holiday!