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orphaned boxer pups

18 13:45:23

hello my question is about my boxer puppies. they are orphaned and i have had them to the vet. and am bottle feeding and helping them to urinate and deficate and burping them as well but i do not think the are deficating as often as they should. my vet was pretty vaige about it. can u help me? how often should they go ? they were going after every feeding but now its about every third feeding . i have not changed formula i am using exactly what the vet gave me and a following all the directions. any help you can give me i would appreciate it.

Let me ask you a few questions. Are they crying a lot? Are they bellies distended? If they seem  quiet and content, then they may be just fine. However, if they are getting backed up a little, it may cause them discomfort and slow down nursing. Be on the look out for anyone refusing the bottle. Also watch for anyone to be straining while trying to have a bowel movement, or for their bellies to be really hard or tight. You may have to change their formula if they run into trouble. I would consult a different vet, if you can, just to be on the safe side. I'll find some more formulas and post them to you, just in case you need to switch.