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My Rat Terrier

18 13:43:23

My girl had puppies 5 days ago and has been doing great. Tonight she is very nervous and is crying allot. She goes from room to room in and out whimpering and wont stay with the puppies. What is wrong? She ate,has water and went outside to do her business. I'm running out of ideas. Help!

Hi Monika. Is she shaking or trembling at all? If so, get her to the vet asap. If she's not doing any of that, then I'm not really sure what's going on with her. Some new moms are nervous. I would definitely take her in for a check up to see what's going on with her. If she's shaking, then it's an emergency. She may have low calcium. That can be really dangerous. I'm sorry I can't be of more help, but it's really hard for me to say without actually seeing her. I always say that it's safest to pay the vet bill and be sure of what's going on. I hope she's ok!