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Is my chihuhauha pregnant?

18 13:33:17

Hi I have a female chihauhau that has been bred 3 times but has never concieved.This is her 4th breeding and she should be about 27 days along.I took her to the vet on day 20th for a pregnancy test but it was negative.I think it was to early for the test.This time I can feel a lump when I palpate her its a little smaller than a golf ball.Could this be a puppy or something else? I have never felt this in her before in the past breedings.

Hi Casey. It very well could be. She's at the right day to feel them. However, in a few days the fluid will build up, and you won't be able to feel them again for awhile. In a week or so you can have a scan done, or wait until she's 50 days in and have an x-ray done. If it's not a puppy, then you'll have to take her in to figure out what that lump is. Good luck.