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My dog just had puppies, and is extremely skinny

18 13:45:13

My dog just had puppies, 10 of them, 2 days ago. All the puppies survived and are all eating well. The mom is just barely getting up for a few minutes at a time. She barely eats, wont go outside to pee, and is panting and breathing hard. earlier she had the shakes... is this postpartum behavior the norm?

No, this isn't normal. I would advise you to get her to the vet right now. The skinny thing is normal. Most new mom's look awful at first. The barely eating may also be norm, as is the not wanting to go outside to pee. Especially since the pups are only 2 days old. Mom may just not want to leave her babies. It's the panting, and the shaking that really concerns me. Call your vet, and get your girl in ASAP. Good luck!