Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Reproduction > removed litters brother @ sister inline breeding

removed litters brother @ sister inline breeding

18 13:32:19

male brother 2 litters removed from sister, sister has stigmatation in right eye, will this breeding be dangerous to either dog or puppies? explain culling more detail? will male puppies be mean and overly agressive? any detrimental health problems likely to arise.  thanks   FREDERICK

Hi Frederick

Just to clarify. You bred or are considering breeding siblings.  And the female has a stigmatization in her eye.  

So if this is a inherent trait, then yes, there is a high, high risk of off-spring contracting or carrying this trait.  In-breeding will bring out the best and the worst in any lines.  That why it is always advisable to know your lines.  Only the very best should be used.  Anything substandard, will keep producing substandard.

Culling is the 'selection' (removal and/or killing) of surplus animals from an animal population or breeding program.  You can cull by sterilization (have the animals spayed/neuter) or death.

There is no reason to assume that males will be more aggressive, unless it's a trait that the male carries.  In-breeding may cause depression, hyperactivity, and any faults in the breed.

Good luck