Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Reproduction > whenis the r ight time

whenis the r ight time

18 11:59:42

QUESTION: if my dog got her period last thursday what day can she get pregnant

ANSWER: Hi Linda

Each female is different.  She may ovulate early or later in her season.  Typically counting to day 10 - 15 is the time.

An experienced male will tell you when a female is prime, or you can do progesterone testing.

Good luck

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: ok it is the 11th day she finally let the male dog near her i put them together for 4 hrs the male dog keep humping her for 30 to 60 seconds i did not watch the whole time but from what i saw i did not see any penatration just alot of humping can she still get pregnant and shall i keep trying for a couple more days they never tied please i need help          thank you linda velardi

For starters 4 hours is too long  to put a breeding pair together.  The male could have a heart attack if he's trying the entire time.  Not only that but he could lose interest, and you'll be wasting the good stuff.

Bring them together for 15 - 30 minutes max and then separate them again.

The sperm actually has to reach the eggs to become pregnant. A lot of humping is just a waste of time, energy and semen.

Day 11 still gives you a 4 - 7 days for the pair to tie.