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My dog is heavy panting 24 hours after whelping

18 13:28:41

Hi, ok I am new to this, but I have a question. I have a Black lab that has gone a full 63 days and gave birth to six wonderful puppies. When the first one came out it had some green, I think afterbirth. Mom cleaned it up and cleaned up the puppy. She went on to have 5 more puppies in here whelping box. All are doing good and feeding. Mom has eaten this morning and drank also. I guess I am just really concerned for thier well being. Is it normal for mom to be panting? And is the green stuff that came out with the first puppy something to worry about??

Hi. Congrats on the pups, glad all are doing well. A green discharge after the birth of the first puppy is normal. I would however, get her to the vet and ask for a clean out shot. This will make sure that nothing is left in there, and will help with milk production. If something is left in side of her, it can lead to a serious infection, and even death. You say mom is panting heavily, is she laid out on her side, resting comfortably and letting the pups nurse? Or is she staying kind of curled up on her side, not resting much at all? If it's the second one, then she very well could have a puppy or placenta still inside of her. I would get her a shot of oxytocin to clean her out, then she should be good to go. Good luck, and let me know if I can help with anything else.