Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Reproduction > ROTTWEILER


18 13:41:13

I have two female Rottweiler's one 5 never bred, one 8 never bred. One went in heat, then the  other went in heat. I missed them both, so I used one bitch to bring the other bitch in season and I ended up bringing both bitches back in season. Never did that before but I wanted them bred to my male. They bred with my male 4 ties on each female. The first female did not look P.G. until the end wellshe gave birth to two males and they both died, I was not home. Never any more. I will watch the other female to see if she will have any puppies, however it does not look like she is P.G. This happened to my sister and her female died she did not even know she had two dead puppies. Will my female die from this? She is eating, she is going to the bathroom, she is happy, she is and acts normal.

Will her normal heat cycle time change, or will it go back to normal ?

Thank You For Any Help

Hi Brenda

5 and 8 is just to old to be bred regardless the breed.

It's hard on the female, the eggs are old and just the physical and hormonal changes on a female at that age are very hard.

Their heat cycles change with their age, and the may not be "normal" after this.

Breeding changes a female, they can become more aggressive, have a stronger desire to mate, and just become more temperamental.

I love the Rottie's and have a 9 year old female that has never been bred.  She is a superior animal in every way and is the best dog that I have ever owned.  Personally, I feel that you are better of spaying the two girls and letting them live the life of luxury.