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breeding help for chole

18 13:41:14

hi i have a female yellow lab (not spayed)and a neutered pitbull. i had my lab for about two years last week i have been noticing yellow stuff on the floor i guessed it was throwup. one morning my dog was in the backyard i went back there and i saw her and another dog (from who knows where)was in a tie i did not know what it was so i left them alone. i found alot on the Internet and now i have noticed my dogs teats getting bigger. i am 16 and my father has low income which means i can not afford a vet what should i do thank you

Call your local humane society or no kill dog rescue. They can give you coupons for free or VERY reduced spays so you don't have a litter of unwanted puppies to try to care for. They are expensive to raise and it doesn't sound like you need to deal with that at the moment,
IF you can't get the information from someone locally, come back here and give me a general area (state not city) that you are in and I will do some research to see if I can come up with some help for you.
Good luck and I am so glad you asked for help!