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Toy Poodle Breeding Mystery

18 13:48:43

My female toy is around 1.5 years and we bred her to my proven male around March 10-14 .They had a complete tie at least 6 times over 4 days or so. However, as of now , she shows no signs of pregnancy- tummy is a little big ,but no nipple swelling etc. What are the chances that conception didnt take place or what are the chances that it did and she just hides it well- this will be her fist litter and by my calculations she would be due mothers day weekend

Hi Beth --

She should be showing something by now.  Did you do progesterone testing prior to breeding?  Are you certain she was ovulating at the time of breeding?  

You can take her for x-ray's next week to know for certain what to expect.  If she didn't take, her next heat I would recommend a swab or progesterone testing to find out when she ovulates.

Good luck.