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breeding dachshunds

18 13:28:47

How old should females be before breeding and how old is too old for males and females?

Hi Penny.  The age at which you should breed your dog(s) depends upon many factors.  Most male dogs can become sexually active as early as 6 months of age (this is why most veterinarians recommend neutering at 16 weeks - 4 months), but the spermatozoids in a such a young male are still immature and could produce a litter of unsound puppies.

Depending upon the size/breed of the female dog, she can go in to heat as early as 6 months.  Some breeders feel that it is ok to breed on the first heat cycle, but I disagree.  I feel it is safer to wait until the second heat.

If you intend to breed your female more that once or twice, then I also suggest that you skip a heat between breedings.

Good luck, and please do not hesitate to contact me if you have additional questions.

Penny DiLoreto