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pregnant different

18 13:34:51

hi. im pretty sure my cavoodle is pregnant, this is her second litter. she had her first a year ago. her first litter she had morning sickness after 1 week of being mated, she was very clingy and a bit quieter. this time she seems very hyper( keeps jumping high in the air if i leave her or she want to go outside, as the poodles do) and clingy( she follows me everywhere even to the toilet), her top nipples have gone a darker colour,pees more but no morning sickness this time.could i be wrong,maybe she is not pregnant as arent they supposed to quiet down not go the opposite.she would be between 2 and 3 weeks pregnant. her first mating was the 20th of july, she stayed with breeder for 1 week.did your dogs do the same each pregnancy or did they have totally different pregnancies. any info would be great. thanks.

Hi Leanne. usually, a dog will follow close to the same pattern with each pregnancy. However, this time she may just feel good. One of my girls was bred twice. The first time she was hyper, and constantly going. The second time, all she wanted to do was lay around. She followed the same pattern though for whelping and caring for her puppies. I would definitely treat her as if she is pregnant for now. Have an x-ray done after day 50 just to be sure. Good luck!