Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Reproduction > chihuahua bitch 62 days gest

chihuahua bitch 62 days gest

18 13:34:51

QUESTION: hi my chi bitch is around 62 days gone.
her milk is just coming in, her back end is rather swollen and she has a think gewie discarge. And she also keeps digging her blankets up to make a bed.
However her temp has been up and down for the last week going from around 37.7 .c in the morning and 38.1 .c in the eve and hasent dropped any more.
Could she still be going in to whelp or do you think it will be a few days?

Thanks emma.

ANSWER: Hi Emma. It sounds like she's pretty close. I'd stay with her and keep an eye on her. I'm not good with converting temp :-), so I'm not sure what her temp would be in F. I wouldn't think she'd go more than another day or so, especially if she's losing her mucus discharge (the thick gewie discharge :-), and is digging a lot. Don't let this girl outside by herself, and good luck!

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: hi 38.9 .c = 100.9 .f 39.7 = 101.7 so she keeps going up and down around 100.1 and 99.7. thanks thats what i thought. :)

Ok, I get it now! :-) The temp will drop to about 98. If you're not taking her temp twice a day, the same time each day, then you may miss it. Some girls will also have the temp drop, but go right back up, also making you miss it. Anyway, I think your girl will be going into labor pretty soon from the sound of it. Good luck!