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mating problem pit bulls

18 13:42:41

We have two pit bulls, a female and  a male. The female has been in heat for almost two weeks now. The male has been going crazy humping her at every chance he gets. We wouldn't mind if she was to get pregnant. Our male dog seems to be losing his mind. He is old and we don't ever plan on neutering him. How can we help to calm him down if anything? Or how can we help them mate? She seems real tired but he wont leave her alone.  It would be difficult to keep them separate. He just seems to be having  a hard time he is very heavy and doesn't seem to getting close to the right spot. is there anything we can do?

Hi Nicole

Trust me, the kindest thing you can do is separate them.  If your male is older and overweight, breeding can cause a heart attack. Which will kill him, end of story.  

Allow them only 15 - 30 minutes a day together.  You can assist by placing the female across your lap and guiding the male into her vulva.

Good luck.