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italian greyhound

18 11:55:50

hi. i recently got a male italian greyhound. i already had a female shit tzu terrier mix dog. i was wondering about the possibility of breeding the two. Should i separate them when she comes in heat? would the puppies put her in jeopardy?

Hi Melanie

My question would be... why would you or what would be the purpose?  Please don't take that to mean you shouldn't, I'm just curious.  The combination may not be for everybody and when combining two breeds you have to remember that you are mixing both the good and bad traits of each.

That being said.  What is the size comparison between the two?  Do you know the lines behind both dogs?  If there are some big dogs in the pedigree, your female may have a hard time whelping which can result in a c-section or a fatality.  Things to consider.

Good luck