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Boston Terrier pregnant

18 13:31:06

Hi I have a female Boston Terrier that was bred on Dec 27th 2008 they tied once for about 20 mins. She is now looking a little bigger she is sleeping more drinking more and her nipples are a little bigger than normal. IS this a sign that she is pregnant can she get pregnant with one tie.

Hi Patti. It has only been about two weeks, so it's a bit early to tell right now. Some dogs experience false pregnancy, it mimics a real one so it's really hard to say right now. Is she drinking a lot more than normal? If so, then I'd take her to the vet for a check up. One thing that some breeders look for as a positive pregnancy sign is if the vulva stays slightly larger after the heat cycle. Like I said though, right now is too early, you'll just have to wait a few more weeks, then you should know for sure. :-)