Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Reproduction > BRINGING FEMALE IN HEAT


18 12:00:31

Hello, I have a 4 year old female Eng Bulldog. She had her last litter (litter #2) in Dec 2007 a nice health litter of 6 and Last Heat July of 08. I have been breeding for 7yrs and never had a female that has went this long without coming into heat. She has always had a 6-7 month cycle. I don't know if she is having a silent heat and not bleeding or what is actually happening. I am a paramedic and I have done my research on various drugs to bring her in, however many of them advise they can cause long-term breeding problems. My vet advises the same thing. She keeps wanting to wait and see what happens, and let her come in on her own terms. That would be great if we weren't at the 13 month mark. I have people whom have placed deposits on her next litter....but honestly don't know when to tell them to expect them. Any Ideas?

Hi. Your vet is right. Those drugs can hurt her instead of help, it's best to let nature take it's course. If she were my girl, first thing i would do is to have some blood work done, also have her thyroid checked out. Problems with the ovaries can also cause a delayed heat cycle. Is she housed with a male, and has the male showed any interest? One way that can bring a dog in safely is to keep her with other females that come into heat. It seems like when one comes in, they all do. Many breeders use this method to bring in a late female, then her heats will usually become normal. I would get her a check up, and then try that if possible. Borrow a dog if you have to, one that is coming in heat, or close to it. It really does work. Good luck.