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My peke in heat and wont breed

18 13:34:13

My peke is in heat and in her 10th day.She is a first time breeder and so is the stud.She will let him sniff and lick but tries to fight when he tries to he acts not interested.Is she not in full blown estrus?Should I go the AI route b/c shes scared?Whats going on? HELP PLZ!!!

Hi Ashley. Most breeders try on days 11 and 13, or on days 12 and 14, so, you're kind of early yet. You say the female won't let the male mount, then she's probably trying to tell you she's not ready. If you get to day 13 and still nothing, then you may want to do a fast A.I. You may need to do this anyway if the male is scared to even try. Keep them seperated for a day or two, and then try again.