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mistake Breeding

18 13:42:13

My 3 time wonderful female basset locked up with my pug yesterday and I got them apart within minutes (broke the seal) and flushed her with water in a syringe but am afriad I have lost this whole heat cycle...What do you think? I think she is ovulating today or tomorrow.

Hi Vicky. If something like this happens again, please don't try to pull them a part. :-) You can cause serious damage to both of them. I'm afraid that this heat is a bust. Because she just bred with your Pug yesterday, you won't know who the father is until after the pups are born. IF you try to breed her to another Basset after she just bred with the Pug, you won't be able to register the pups, because you won't really know who the father is. The only way you'll know for sure is to DNA the father and whole litter. I would wait this heat cycle out, and see what happens. If she's not pregnant, then you could breed her next heat. Sperm can live inside of the female for a few days, so your boy may have gotten her pregnant. I'm sorry!