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My fox terrier is pregnant!

18 11:56:46

Hi Joyce, my fox terrier recently tied with my japanese spitz, their weight difference is approximately 4 kilograms, the japanese spitz being larger.
The fox terrier is now 2 weeks away from birth and I am quite worried if she could have any complications seeing that the male is larger, this was an unplanned breeding but now that she is pregnant we are willing to keep the puppies.
Any help and any tips on what to do whilst she is giving birth will be greatly, greatly, greatly appreciated.
Thank you, John.

Hi John

The Terrier is a pretty hardy breed but that being said I would be taking her into the vet for x-rays too see how large the skeletal structure of the pups are.   You can then discuss your options and whether a c-section will be required.   

If you choose to let her go the natural route, a whelping box and old towels are a must.  Mother Nature will do most of the work, unless a pup is stuck, then the quickest and safest course of action is to have your vet handy.

Good luck