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Additional questions about pregnancy

18 11:58:50

If my bitch is indeed pregnant is it ok to allow her to do her regular activities like playing in the yard with the other dogs? We have a very large fenced yard that we let them out to play in. Her favorite game is chase and she likes to rough house with the others, sometimes leaping over them. Inside she sometimes will rough house with the others especially if she's been cooped up. My spayed girl has been her constant companion since she was little and outweighs her by 30lbs plus tends to get obnoxious. She's a shepherd about a year older than her and could be described as high strung or hyper. She has some health issues so her endurance (running) isn't great so it doesn't take too long before she'll have to rest.

How long after whelping can my girl go back to playing and rough housing?

Another question is it likely her appetite will change and she will be more receptive to eating better food? Right now the only kibble she eats willingly is a "natural" purina product. We had an ongoing struggle trying to find something good that she'll actually eat. What sort of food should she have during pregnancy? She was eating raw for a little while but I would be worried that it wouldn't provide the right nutrients and get very expensive quickly.

Hi Katherine

It's best to restrict her activities to walks and exercise without wrestling.  Rough housing can lead to aborting the litter.

Your female will start playing a few weeks after whelping, her first few weeks she'll want to be with her pups.  

With regards to food, you want to make sure she's on a quality kibble. You can mix the raw with the kibble.  

Good luck