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hernia queston

18 11:56:01

While delivering her puppies my Yorkie bit to close to the umbilical cord leaving what started as a small tear but as she cleaned the pup it grew.  My husband didn't think we'd be able to save the puppy so put it down.  I can't help but wonder if maybe I could have stopped her from cleaning the puppy and pushed the intestines back inside could I have saved the baby?  

How much of the intestine was coming out?  Do you mean she bit to much of the cord off to close to the stomach?

With a new mother I would have taken the pups away unless I could supervise unless I could supervise.  This is common for some females, they can be over eager in the cleaning but once a female has a few hours to settle into her role, she's fine.

If the intestines were coming out, a vet may have been able to put the pieces back in and stitch the cord ... but without seeing the amount of damage, it's hard to speculate.

Good luck