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My bostons pregnancy?

18 13:29:37


Her belly seems more f
Hello I spoke with you alot during her last heat. When she wouldnt tie. Now she has tied with a different stud 7 times in 7 days and She would now be 4 weeks and 3 days. So her signs are Nipples slightly bigger and softer also she used to have a gap when lefting her to see her belly under her rib area and back the gap is not as noticeable. She has not thickened on the sides so much maybe some. She licks her vulva now alot more then before. I am taking her for x rays but I excited and woundering what you thought. I broke my ankle so I cant take her to get palpation. Thanks I included and picture of her belly to see your thoughts. Im thinking she sould be really showing by now.

Hi Ester

The best thing to do is measure her chest and her waist prior to breeding and then every 2 weeks after.  They should both expand at the same rate.

X-rays are only accurate after day 50, it takes that long for the bones to calcify and show up on x-rays.  

The horns run almost along the sides of the dam, so looking at her belly really isn't all that helpful.  Also, it's typically the last 2 weeks to 10 days that a female will really start to show.

Keep hanging on.  The waiting is always the hardest.