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Small female dog breed by large dog

18 11:56:33

We have a small beagle who was breed by our yellow lab. I thought we kept them apart the whole time during her heat but, she is really starting to look like she is going to have puppies.....he is much bigger then her, I'm not sure how he was able to breed with her.  Any help you can give would be appreciated-Will she be able to birth the puppies?


Hi Penny

Before you start to panic you need to ensure that she is in fact truly pregnant and not experiencing a false pregnancy. All the signs are the same without the end result so x-rays will be required to determine if she is carrying, but only after day 50.

If you found out that she did take, you will have to discuss with your vet the best course of action.  Your female may very likely have difficulty birthing the lab's pups and a planned c-section may be the course of the day.

Good luck.