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I think my min pin is close to labor

18 13:44:10

My girls temp dropped to 98.4 this mourning at 10:30, but came back up to 99.3 three hours later. She has a mucus discharge, and is sleeping alot. Also I saw on a web page that if you can lightly squeeze her tits and milk comes out it won't be long, Can you tell me if the time is getting near?

Hi. If you're going to go by the temp method, it has to drop at or below 97. If she's lost her mucus plug, then she should go into labor within 24-48 hours. Some dogs gets milk in up to a week before whelping, some don't get it in until after she whelps. I wouldn't suggest squeezing her breasts though. You'll know when she gets her milk in, they'll probably leak milk. I'd say your girl is going to start labor very shortly, if she hasn't already. Good luck!