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Staffordshire Bull Terrier Puppy Runt not feeding much should I intervene?

18 13:31:59

My Staffie delivered a litter of puppies which are 3 days old.  She originally gave birth to 7 puppies but sadly one was stillborn.  I have concerns about the smallest puppy as he is really skinny and dehydrated, I know he is dehydrated as I pulled his skin up at the back and it is staying there.

I have been trying to put him on the teat while the others sleep but he often turns his head away and only latches on sometimes, compared to the others who seem to feed every half hour.  I'm extremely worried he is not getting enough milk and nutrients, I have bought puppy milk just incase but I don't know if I should feed him that if he is also feeding from mum occasionally. Can you help me? Thank-You

Hi Amanda. The first thing I would do is get this boy to the vet to see if he needs sub q. fluids. If he is severly dehydrated, let the vet give him the fluids, you won't believe the difference in the pup once he is rehydrated. It's pretty dangerous for such a small puppy to be dehydrated, to the faster you get that fixed the better. At the same time, I'd get the vet to check him out to make sure that everything's ok. Until you can get him to the vet, I would offer the bottle to he won't get any worse. Good luck!