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breed my dog

18 13:44:21

I have two Chihuahuas Male and Female can I breed them? Is there any problem because they're brother and sister?

Hi Rosy. First thing you need to do is to find out what genetic diseases are in your breed, and have your dogs tested for them before you even think about breeding them. As for them being brother and sister, you need to make sure your really know your dogs' lines. Make sure you know of any health problems that may be lurking in their background. When you inbreed, you are doubling up on all of the good and bad traits. The only time that inbreeding is a good tool is when both of the dogs are healthy, come from healthy lines, are temperamentally sound, and are good specimen of their breed. You may want to consider taking your girl to a different stud dog if you're not for sure. Good luck! (P.S. I'm sorry it took so long getting back to you. There must have been some glitch with the web site or my e-mail. I never received your question until this morning when I received a reminder e-mail from the website. This happened with two others as well. I apologize.)