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Reluctant Female

18 12:00:28

I have a 2-year-old female and a 5-year-old male that I'm trying to breed. The male is experienced and proven, but the female has never been bred. Right now she's on day 9 or 10 of her heat cycle, and the male is getting VERY interested, trying to mount her. The problem is, she is refusing his advances and getting snarly with him. I trust my male's instincts that the female should be ready to breed, and I'm worried that we'll miss the window of opportunity because she's unwilling to allow him to breed with her.

Is it just too soon or is she going to be one of those females that refuses to be bred? Should I try holding her head and "forcing" her to comply, or should I just let nature take its course?

Hi. I would listen to your dog. She very well could be early yet, some girls do ovulate later in the cycle. AYou could try letting her around a different male just to see how she reacts, on leashes of course. Sometimes, they simply don't like the choice we make for them. If all else fails, and she's not receptive during this heat cycle, then I would do a check up afterwards to see what's going on with her. Could be a low thyroid, problems with the ovaries, or other hormonal problems. Good luck!