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pregnancy with my ddb

18 13:32:05

hi, i have a 5 year old ddb, whom i did a planned mating before having her spayed. She is now 9 weeks 5 days and theres still no sign of her going into labour, she seems the same and has not got any bigger, i think it may be a false pregnancy but my neighbour scanned her 5 times over the last 5 weeks and it has bleeped everytime, indicating shes pregnant. she is still active and happy in her self but how would i tell if she is pregnant or not?

Hi Donna

I'm certain that bigger dogs carry longer.  My ddb went 75 days before whelping her litter.  75 days! I was ready to call in the Army. We were in the same situation, she was happy, active and just not ready to deliver.

Just hang in there!

Good luck