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Mating issues

18 11:34:48

I have a 3 yrs old female and want to mate her with my 4 yrs old male he trys to mount her but seems like he is trying but not getting it in all he do is cry all day and nite she is in heat at this time seems like she doesn't care if he gets it or not this is her 4 heat and it's been the same all 4 times Help my Dad passed away last month and i would like to breed my dogs so my mother could have one to keep her company since my father always wanted one from my dogs

Hi Martha

What breed are they?   Is the male shorter than the female?  What day in her cycle is the female?  Do you keep them together all the time?  

You may need to assist in the breeding either by holding the female steady or doing A.I.

If she's early in her cycle she won't be interested in your male.

Keeping them apart and bringing them together only for breeding for maybe 20 minutes a couple of times a day will increase your males chances of accuracy.

Good luck