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dogs not locking

18 13:43:16

My male is doing everything right, full penetration and everything, but they are not locking during mating. I have read various articles and have tried to assist, but with no luck. My female is on her 13th day of her heat cycle. They are both miniature dachshunds. Do they have to 'lock' for a successful breeding to take place?

Yes they do. But your female is just now on the day that most breeders begin to attempt to breed. Separate them for a full day (morning until evening) and then put them together again and see how it goes at that point. Here's a website that will help you a bit
It's virtually impossible to achieve a tie with a beginner male and female if you interfere. He may just be too immature or she may just not be ready yet. If you want to be SURE take them to the vet and have them AI'd. How old is he?
Happy New Year