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Caesarian or Self Whelp?

18 13:48:40

Hi, I have a British Bulldog 3 Years old. She is due to have her puppies in 9 days time. I've had her scanned and she is carrying 5 puppies but she is absolutely huge. I've had many conflicting opinions regarding self whelp verses Caesarian and i was planning to let her self whelp, but i'm now getting quite worried with her size and i'm wondering if she has more puppies than has shown on the scan or if she has some big puppies that could mean trouble self whelping.  My question:-  are scans 100% accurate? she was scanned and 5 weeks pregnant. Also i would welcome any views you may have regarding C-section/Self whelp.


Hi Diane

Because of the size of the head compared to the narrow openings, most, not all, but most EB's have complications whelping.

When you say you did a scan do you mean x-ray?  An x-ray can determine the size and location of the pups. And something I always recommend.  

Natural whelp is always the prefered option except when there are complication. And bullies are prone to complications.  Planned C-sections take the worry and most of the stress away.  

Some questions you have to ask are a) is she is a smaller female bred to a larger male? b) Is she from a free-whelping lines? and is she in top physical condition?

Large pups with big heads are a concern as well as the chance of a stuck pup are very real possibility.

Discuss the options with your vet and find out what is best for both your female and her pups.

Good luck.