Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Reproduction > 8 mth old staffy x hasnt come into season

8 mth old staffy x hasnt come into season

18 13:27:14

Hi my 8 month old staffy cross has not come into her first season yet should i be concerned? we are planning to breed her when she comes into her second heat with our pure bred american staffy. other staffy bitches i have owned have always come into season at about 6 months of age so i am starting to become a little worried that there might be a few underlying problems any answers you can give me would be greatly appreciated thankyou

Hi Lealia

A female can come into her first season anywhere from 6 to 9 months which would be typical.

You can help her along by letting her bask in the sun or get full spectrum light bulbs for the area in the home where she lives.  It can also help kick her in.

Good luck