Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Reproduction > weaned mother mammary glands are HOT

weaned mother mammary glands are HOT

18 13:32:07

i found a stray mother who just separated from her pups 2 days ago. they were 7 weeks old. all 9 pups lived & were healthy. But mom has extremely hot (temp) mammmary gland area, all of them, esp the ones in back.  glands are pink, engorged, swollen & still producing white milk. she breathes rapidly as if feverish. they do not appear to be causing her pain or discomfort other than their weight. they're still hanging very low. is this normal. thank you!

Hi. Have you taken her temp? I would get her to the vet, especially since you said that the breasts are really hot, and she's panting heavily. I'd take her in just to be on the safe side. She may have Mastitis, or the start of a different more serious infection. Usually, antibiotics are given, and the dog is fine. The breasts will require special care, which the vet will tell you what needs to be done. Withough seeing her, or being there in person, it's hard to say for sure. I'd take her in to be safe. Good luck.