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My Female shiz tsu...pregnant???

18 13:32:20


I have a 3 year old female and a 7 month old male shiz tsu and we witnessed them breed three different times in a 2 and a half period around the 8th of September and i am having a hard time telling if she is pregnant..... I am concerned because she was due on the 7th of november from the first time they stuck but like I said we found them two other time after... I just want to make sure I am doing everything possible to make sure this is a successful whelping and no harm comes to her or the pups... I wasnt even sure he was olds enough to breed! Also I have heard that home pregnancy test work, Is this accurate info?? Please Help!



Hi. No, home pregnancy tests do not work on dogs. Your best bet would be to get this girl to the vet to see if she is indeed pregnant. I'd get some x-rays as well, it's safe. They'll tell you about how many to expect, if there are any really big ones in there, and about when they'll be born. Is there any way that she could've snuck and been bred a few days later than you thought?