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is my boxer in labor?

18 13:31:05

Hi, my boxer girl is 62days today..she is very big now..she is at 97.7 right now at about 5am she did vomit alot but only onest and it was very yellowish. i took her out to pee and a good bit of mucus came out it but it had not color to it. every now and then she will get up and dig like she is starting to nesting and she just sleeps and sleeps before when anyone would come in the room she would get up be not anymore she just sleeps..could this be labor starting and about how long sould she keep doing this? thanks for any help you can give me...

Hi. The mucus that you described coming from her vulva sounds like her mucus plug. When they lose that, labor usually starts within 24-48 hours, the same for the temp drop. When true labor starts, she'll dig like crazy, pant heavily, and won't be able to sit still for long. This can last for up to 24 hours before she actually whelps. It sounds like she's getting ready. if she has a colored discharge before the birth of the first puppy, or goes longer than 3 hours inbetween pups, or tries to push a puppy out for longer than 15 minutes without producing a puppy, call the vet. Good luck, and feel free to write if you need anymore help.