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Female boxer bleeding after tie

18 13:30:21

Hi, My female boxer was in heat and we have been keeping her away from male dogs. She was bleeding a normal bleed then it got lighter. Next thing I know is that, Within a few moments time she got "tied" by a male Our son let them out at the same time without knowing. They "tied" for about 20 minutes. He is a boxer also. My question is now she has a dark blood dripping not a lot just a few drops here and there. Is that normal? Should I be worried? Could she have gotten pregnant? She is acting fine eating, drinking and running around playing. This is her second heat we didn't want to mate her until she was over two years of age. She is a year and a half. Thank you for any help you can offer.

Hi Brian. Anytime a dog is bred, there's a good chance she's pregnant. I'm glad that you were wanting to wait until she was two, sometimes people don't understand how important it is to wait and give the dog a chance to finish growing. However, accidents do happen, so I would prepare myself if I were you, and get ready to expect puppies just in case. The dark blood concerns me, she may have been hurt during the tie. I would take her to the vet and let him check her out just to be on the safe side. It may just be a small tear or something like that, but I would still get it checked out just to make sure no serious damage was done. Let me know if I can help with anything else.