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Bringing female dogs into heat

18 13:31:40

Hi. I show and occasionally breed my dogs and while I dont plan to breed again for 2 years; I need to be able to regulate when my dogs breed the next time I breed. They are Dachshunds (miniature; longhaired) and I was reading on hormones and full spectrum lighting to bring a bitch into heat. My questions are: (a) What hormones are available to bring a bitch into heat that you can get without consent of a vet? (b) How well does full spectrum lighting work to bring females in heat and (c) How long does it usually take?

Hi Kate

The problem with messing around with Mother Nature are the side effects.

Hormone therapy should only be undertaken with the assistance of a vet.  I don't recommend doing them without one.

Full spectrum lighting is the safest and easiest.  It's a simple light bulb turned on where every your female lives.  We have a huge success rate with it, and it usually takes 1-2 weeks for a female to come into heat.  But you have to remember, your female has to be close (within a month).  For example if you female had her heat 2 months ago, it won't bring them in again.  

Good luck