Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Reproduction > pregnat dog has swollen vigilon thing popping out of it with a pink bollon thing

pregnat dog has swollen vigilon thing popping out of it with a pink bollon thing

18 13:32:08

my 10 month old femal pit bull has been pregnat for about 50 days now and her vigina is extreamly swollen with a pink bollon thing poking out of the middle of her vigina. her boobs are not big at all yet, but i worried about the pink bollon looking thing popping slightly out of it. please let me know if this is normal.

Hi Brad. 10 months is super young to be having puppies. When dogs this young are bred, they usually have problems. No, this is not normal. It sounds like she may have what's called a porplased vagina, basically meaning that the inside of her vagina is turning inside out, that's what that pink ballon thing that you're seeing most likely. The best advice I can give here is to get her to the vet. If she is indeed pregnant, and the proplase doesn't correct itself, then she'll have to have a c-section. Good luck.