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My Yorkie is pregnant

18 13:31:33

QUESTION: I have a 5 pound Yorkie she is going to be 3yrs old on 2/22/09, well this is my story. When my Yorkie goes in heat she "plays" with one of her toys always the same one and only when she is in heat,So when she stop playing with this toy we know she is about to stop her heat, we just move to this area and i found out that my next door neighbor has a yorkie. on 11/08/08 her dog was outside and I let them know, later that day her dog manage to go under our fence and get my dog,when i got to them they where tie this happened about 12:30 pm, now it seem that she is pregnant and I am scare because he is a little taller than her his body is like hers but his legs looks longer.Now i have a bunch of question would she need a c-section? how can I cut the tail? and do the dclaw? and when would she have her pubs? I figure the first week of Jan. for my luck my two older kids go back to college from Christmas break on the 3rd and my husband is deploying to Iraq between the 6 and 9. (I am making an apt for her tomorrow)

ANSWER: Hi. Sorry so late. It depends on the c-section. Some breeds are prone to them, sometime they just happen. When she goes into labor, call your vet and let him know just in case you might need him. You can have x-rays done after day 50 to see about how many there are, and if there are any really big ones that might cause trouble. As for the tails and dew claws, if you've never done them before, then I highly suggest either having the vet do them, or finding a good, experienced breeder that is willing to show you how. I have never done them myself, I always go to the vet for this. Most canine pregnancies last 63 days. They can go safely between days 58-65, and the pups be ok. Count 63 days from the day she was bred, and that's your due date. If I can help with anything else, let me know!

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: thank you for your response, I took her to her vet and they did an xray, the vet say she due next week and that she is having two puppies, i ask him if i should schedule a c-section and he say no, just to keep an eye on her because the puppy that is supposed to come out first (according to x-rays)is not in position. Her vet is in post and don't work after hours, so yeah I am looking for one,when I told him about my concern of the other dog size he said not to worry that female dogs usually are able to control the growth of the pup when they are in the belly. You thing this possible?

Well, if the litter is small, only a puppy or two, the pups can get big. If a small dog is bred to a really big dog, then there's the chance of the pups being too big as well. If the dog is fed puppy food, or allowed to get fat, then there's also the chance of the pups becoming too big. If you make sure she gets plenty of exercise, then she has a better chance of a natural delivery. Dogs that are allowed to get fat, or get little to no exercise may have problems whelping. If your vet won't be available if something comes up after hours, then the best thing to do is to find a back up vet just to be on the safe side, which you said you were doing, so you're a step a head.:-) Feel free to holler if you need anything else.