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6 month old puppy found mating

18 11:59:35

Hi, I have a 6 month old Black Lab mix female puppy and about a week ago, she was in heat. I also have a 1 year old Black Lab mix male.
I noticed that when she in heat,everytime she was near the male, she would stick her rear up in front of the first he was not interested, but then when i came home one day, i found them stuck together.
If she becomes pregnant,will she die for being too young when she has the puppies?

Hi Tatiana

If it was just recently (like in the last few days), I would take her into the vet to have her administered the equivalent of the "morning after" shot.

At 6 months old your female is still puppy herself, she's not full developed mentally or physically.  Chances are she won't die but she could kill or reject her litter. At such a young age, it will adversely effect both her growth and that of her pups.