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boxer labor 50 days

18 13:34:54

Hi. I have a three in half year old boxer. She had four pups 1.5 years ago. She gave birth at 50 days just last week the pups were intact but hairless.thay didnt live sha ate them. The thing is all she does is layaround crying. nesting, and trying to give birth again. once in awhile she'll play with her stud, or she'll go for awalk but that is it. What can I do to heip her?

Hi Cristina. Are you sure she doesn't still have a puppy inside of her? The best thing you can do is to try to get her back to her normal routine. They can mourn for their puppies like we do. She just needs time. Be patient with her, give her lots of love, and when she acts like that, try to distract her with a walk or some other activity. That's all you really can do for now. She will slowly bounce back. Good luck, and I'm sorry about the puppies.