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Herbs that may help with whelping after C-Section

18 13:44:38

Is there anything I could do or give to my 2 1/2 year old Purebred Mini Poodle that may help with labour contractions at all or may help her to deliver by herself? She is having her 2nd litter after having a C-Section the first time (a year ago). Last time she delivered 2 pups herself, but not the placentas and then had a pup half delivered and stopped contracting.  I gave her oxytocin shots and then when nothing happened took her to the vet who did a C-Section.  She had 5 pups all lived to be well and healthy and the vet claimed one was stuck quite tightly in her uterus and she doubted if she would have delivered it herself.  I am hoping she will deliver naturally (she is due in 1 week) but am also aware that she may well need another C-Section and if this happens will also have her desexed when it is done. Her mother deliverd naturally every time, though did need oxytocin shots for the last pups in two of her litters.  Thanks for any help you may be able to give!

Hi Julie:

If I were you, I'd still keep the oxytocin handy & definitely use a dose if she begins to lag mid-whelp & it's always wise to give a dose after whelping is complete to ensure everything is expelled from the uterus. Many breeders use red raspberry leaves as an aid to help in whelping and often add some kelp. Personally I use a pre-mixed product called "Whelp Help" which includes both these ingredients & a few others. I also give my pregnant bitches "Bitch Pills" wish are manufactured by the same company. They also contain the above ingredients plus quite a few more. You can obviously go all natural & simply buy the ingredients separately but I've had very good success using these two products & in over 23 years of breeding only one of my girls has ever required a C-section, which was after delivering 6 puppies but sadly number 7 was twisted & lodged in the far front of the uterus & there's no way he could have ever been born vaginally. It's worth a try & you have little to lose by giving this a whirl. The name of the manufacturer is Thomas Laboratories & their web site is Hope this helps!

Hi Julie -- or should I say G'ma? LOL Congrats on your new babies. I'm so glad things went so smoothly this time. I hope all continues to go well & please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns about the litter.