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Bleeding after puppies

18 11:59:16

My pit bull had 8 puppies 4 weeks ago.  We are still noticing vaginal bleeding.  It's bright red.  We're not sure how much we just notice spots on our linens.  I am worried due to one of the answers I read earlier said to worry if she has excessive thirst.  She drinks constantly and will drink her whole bowl in one setting but figured this was because she's nursing 7 puppies.  We don't notice any foul odor but should we still take her to the vet?

Hi Rochelle

With larger litters, sometimes it takes longer for the dam's body to get back into shape.  Spotting is common.  The thing with "excessive thirst" is two fold, nursing will dehydrate her as will the heat of all the extra bodies.

The pups will be ready for their first check up soon, and it's always advisable to bring the mom along for a check up at the same time.

Good luck.