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breeding my 5 year old pekeignese

18 13:45:33

The vet told me to mate the dogs on day 9, 11 and 13.
Today is day 9; her bleeding has diminished and is a paler color and she lets the stud smell and lick her and will stand like she is ready but when he tries to mount she growls and barks. How long do I let them try before waiting until Day 11. I don't want them to get frustrated.

Hi Veronica:

It sounds as if she's just beginning the estrus (fertile) portion of her cycle, which on average occurs around day 9 so you still have some time. I would allow them to be together for a few brief periods of time, slowly increasing the time spent together if possible. If there's a neutral area available it might be best to try that as she might be feeling rather territorial. Often an older, novice female may tend to be more aggressive than a younger one and often, it's even unwise to attempt to breed a female beyond the age of 3 for the first time. Look at it as an older person who has become "set in their ways" -- she may eventually allow the mating to occur but bear in mind she may have difficulty adapting to motherhood. Often an older female will neglect or even reject a litter so I'd advise you to proceed cautiously. Of course I'm only assuming she's never been bred before -- if that's not the case she should adapt fine. The scenario your vet provided is what most breeders follow but you can adapt it accordingly. Once a successful mating is achieved, skip a day in between & it's usually best to allow about two to three matings total. I hope this helps & please let me know if you have any additional questions.