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breeding peke.

18 13:45:33

Thanks for getting back to me with your answer. My next questions may sound silly but it seems as if he is hurting her.  She is very willing and will allow him to mount but once they start she yipes and he quits after 30 seconds or so; this has happened twice at different times(we separate them for a while) He then will pace in circles and lose intrest and she will try and intice him.  Do we help out if so how; do we let her yipe until they tie or do we let them be to see if they will eventually figure out.  They both seem very willing but a little scared.  This is the first time for both of them - does that matter when it comes to knowing what to do.

Hi Veronica:

Your question isn't silly at all & in fact, it only shows how concerned you are about the welfare of your dogs. It's perfectly normal for the female to verbally protest during mating, particularly since it's her first time. Although I know it sounds very disturbing & scary, it's natural. I would suggest the next time you allow the two together, have at least one if not two people available to help -- one to restrain/control her & another to assist the male to achieve penetration if necessary. As you stated, since this is the first breeding experience for them both some help may be required. It might be necessary to manually stimulate the male so that he'll be more aroused. Once the male is mounting & attempting penetration, it may help for one person to guide him further. This can be done by placing your hand below his tail & gently pushing him forward toward her & slightly upward. I know this may sound cruel & much like "doggie rape" but if you want to achieve a successful breeding this may very well be necessary. Once they achieve a tie, the male's penis swells, which is what causes the actual tie & holds the male's penis in place so that the sperm can be delivered. This can also be a very uncomfortable time for her & she should be held in place so that she's unable to move excessively, which could cause harm to either her vaginal area and/or the male's penis.
Instinct will usually play the major role in accomplishing this but since this is a novice experience for them, I think providing them with a little guidance where & when necessary is in order. It will likely take some trial & error & a goodly amount of practice but once they get the hang of it I'm sure your assistance will be minimal if at all in future endeavors. One final thought -- be sure to praise both dogs & keep your attitude & demeanor upbeat so that it will not impact adversely on the event.