Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Reproduction > stud will not mount

stud will not mount

18 13:31:38

I have a 3yr old reg apbt he was used for a stud at around 17 months and produced 11 healthy pups. I have tried to use twice in the last 6 months only to watch him mount for a few seconds and then dismount. is there anything I can do about this beside artificial insemination.

Hi Tim

First, are you certain that the females are completely ready?  Some males can sense when a female is ovulating.  And second did you actually witness the first breeding?   He could have a low libido causing him to have no interest.

The alternative is to hold the female steady.  Bring your male around to the business end and encourage him to mount.  Once he starts, hold him in place until the tie occurs.   Once he is locked, Mother Nature takes care of the rest.

Good luck.